2025 Guidelines for the integrated cultivation of pome fruits
AGRIOS prepares the guidelines each year on the basis of the national guidelines for integrated cultivation and with consideration of the latest findings from research and practice. These guidelines are then submitted to the responsible national committee for examination. Only after the committee has verified that the AGRIOS guidelines are in conformance with the national requirements are the guidelines approved by decree of the Provincial Council for Agriculture.
In the event that heavy pest infestation or disease make the use of plant protectants necessary that are not provided for by the approved guidelines, the provincial plant protection service can, upon request by AGRIOS, allow exceptions and permit additional plant protectants for use in integrated cultivation.
What is integrated fruit cultivation and what are its goals?
The expression “integrated production” refers to an agricultural production system for foods in which natural resources are used in a sustainable fashion and aids such as fertilizers and plant protectants are used with care. It is a natural and sustainable method of cultivation in which the focus is on human health and environmental friendliness. The use of chemical and synthetic agents is reduced to a minimum, and fertilizers are used efficiently.
Natural methods are preferred, since they have a positive effect on the fruit orchards and the environment. Every farmer who opts for integrated fruit cultivation is interested in applying these ecological methods to the maximum extent.
Guidelines for the integrated
cultivation of pome fruits 2025
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